Humans of Jerusalem: Caiaphas

March 27, 2022

Inspired by the photoblog "Humans of New York," we begin our Easter series this Sunday looking at Humans of Jerusalem. For some, the familiarity of the Easter story can make it feel like historical fiction. For followers of Jesus, sometimes the characters can be reduced to spiritualized saints or degenerate villains. The truth is that they were all human beings with real human emotions - love, hate, greed, fear, loyalty and doubt. And they were all making difficult decisions at the crux of human history. Their stories, as you will see, are our stories. Easter is not just a historical event, but a modern-day dilemma. And their choices remain your choices. Understanding the humans of Jerusalem and our place in the Easter story, this Sunday at Mendham Hills.


Humans of Jerusalem: Judas Iscariot


Is It My Turn Yet?